Thursday, December 31, 2009

Political Correctness/Incivility

Political Correctness/Incivility
Stopped in my favorite bar on my way home from town

Was reminded of our un-civil attitudes

While it not PC to utter the word nigger

It is completely OK to spew the same hate, bile, and inhumanity with the word "Liberal"

As if the subject is sub-human

I asked the woman if she were a Christian

Replied Of Course!




Blanket ass Indian




Need I say more

Good question

Just as Chicken Licken predicted, the sky didn't fall in


Nothing nor No one was instantly saved by Barack Obama, "YET"

Good question
Not being into knee jerk reactions, I'll work on this as the day goes on.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eifel ice tower

Make an effort

Eifel Tower at Night

Why wouldn't they?

If they miss the point

Break out the good scotch and wine

If they miss the point

Break out the pinata

If they miss the point

Break out the bong

If they still miss the point

It's S&M time!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The best bargain is money not spent

After much thought

I've come to the conclusion that;

I've been


too lazy


too cheap

all my life

to go bargain hunting

Gifts, make it mean something, not what it cost

All else, Do I really need it, not what it cost

Single malt, Am I out, not what it cost

Monday, December 28, 2009

I could cross a handle street

What is a shady liquor store?

Booze palace next to large oaks or poplars?

busy gas station ?

Would that be intestinal gas?

Combination Mexican and Italian?

I lived in a Zoo once.

It was called the San Anselmo Hotel

It was where Marin county warehoused all the Chemical shock cases

Most interesting group of humans I've ever met

sooner or later our friends family or society as a whole will dump us all in a cemetery

Living across the street from the cemetery will save gas

Liquor store across the street from the cemetery will help with grief or lack thereof.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Desert Humanity

I was on a road trip using a borrowed Gold Wing

Riding from Santa Rosa CA to Scottsdale AZ in July 81 or 82

Stopped at a roadside place about 40 miles below Boulder dam (gone now)

Had a couple of cold Pabst

Jumped back on and rode

Got to Kingman, another 70 miles

Stopped and filled the tank

Reached in the tank bag for the wallet

Hey what the *%@#*&%?, no wallet

Some guy saw me fretting and came over and paid for the gas (deed #1)

Zoomed back to the roadside

Asked after my wallet, nothing but blank faces

It was a half dozen mobile homes and a roadside flee market

Couple of hours pass while I try to figure how to scrape up the cash/gas to get home.

Finally decide to sell my 45mm camera.

Hearing my plight

The flee market guy scrounged 18 buck from all the poor locals (deed #2)

About then the market/bar owner comes out and asks me to describe my wallet

Hands it to me and says

Some poor old hermit that lives 30-40 miles up in the desert had come back with it (deed #3)

Opened the wallet, in the secret pocket all 800 of my road bucks are intact

Store owner tells me that that was more than the guys annual income

The guy had evaporated into the desert by now.

He had a tab at the store

I paid it

RePaid the flee market denizens, bought em a beer

Had one myself and Rode on

Decent day for humanity

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How hungry are you?

How hungry are you?
How acute is your taste?

How educated is you palate?

How grown up have you become?

Food is food unless you are with dear friends!

Then it is an apt accompaniment to conversation and good company!


Everything {everything}, anything will do...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Useless Knowlege

Dontcha just know it

Aah Aah Aah Aaaah

A hard bound book of advice which each and everyone of us has gleaned from our personal life experience.

Need I say Ooooooooo.....

Gotta have it!

Re-gifting will be the reward

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hmm lords a-leaping

Would that be Jack (book-em-Danno) Lord


How about 10 lords a leaping on 8 tiny reindeer...

Here we are contemplating visions of sugar plums






Visions of beastiality.


Hrumph indeed

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bible passages

The 23rd Psalm

Not really


Monday, December 21, 2009

First on the scavenger hunt: An honest man

An honest man
What the hell, Diogenes couldn't find one 2000 years back.

This would keep my loadies goin all night

A good doctor
I had one and then she and her cohorts in medicine became a company.

Now company rules have a minutes per patient regimen.

Clean water
You try it!

A true path to enlightment
On their own

Without a book, DVD, religion, or Guru

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just off the top of my head

Bail Bondsman

Bounty hunter

Television evangelist

Ambulance chaser

Politician in a sweaty linen suit





Investment banker

Luthier (maker of stringed instruments)

Sour dough prospector

All around fun guy that people would pay to hang around

Stand up comedian

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Soundcheck music

Every sort of musical stuff

Friday, December 18, 2009

Who in the hell knows...

OK gang;

It's Friday

I just


Shampoo'd my 18" hair

Broke out my "Thiers-Issard Eagle Brand" French straight razor

Stropped on my Russian strop

Lathered up with "Laccitane CADE"


Brushed the teeth


My wife can take me out in public

Score: Proctor and gamble 10; Strat 0

Wow Plinky

Ya sure wandered onto my property on this one.

The human animal spent 10 million years developing systems to protect itself.

Then the human animal took ten generations to effectively tear them down.

Humans have an above average olfactory system, but can’t stand what they smell

Humans have decent visual systems and can’t stand most of what they see.

Humans have decent audio systems but can’t stand most of what they hear.

Hair can protect itself

Skin just needs clean water, not soap and deodorant

Clean water, clean water

If ya left your scent alone………..


Oh well not preaching to the choir here, they went home generations back…

What part of our lives isn’t artificial?

Here I am standing on a soapbox railing against soap

Anyone her question my sanity?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cinnamon Roll




Dark Brown sugar

Sweet yeast dough baking

The scent of 5:45 Sunday morning

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



I no know

Can you
I can't, can you?

We doan godda show you no stinkin badjes

You talkin to me?

I told you twice now, NO

We both know the answer to that, don't we

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Out House Rules

The lonely out-house

Usually when asked a question such as this

The anal side of my underdeveloped personality goes strait to

A yellow legal pad

I divide it into 10 columns so as to have room for all the possibilities

Oh, and they are numerous…



I get out my silent metronome

Set it at 4/4

55 beats per minute

Plug in my green Stratocaster and a set of head phones

Set the timer for 1 hour

Start playing


That doesn’t work

I turn on the TV and plug in a set of headphones.

If TV doesn’t put me to sleep, I’m in trouble

If it’s past 03:00, I just open a bottle of Hess Chardonnay



Can’t sleep; BUZZZ

Monday, December 14, 2009

Don't remember the name

Does it matter?

About half way through town

On Hwy 199

East side of the road

Plywood place

Plain, plain, plain

They serve up breakfast for loggers.

You better be hungry

I’d say 2500 calories hungry

75%+ of the patrons were wearing shirts emblazoned with

“If you ain’t a logger, you ain’t shit”

I rode the rest of the way to Tacoma full

About 500+ miles

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who Da Bad Guy AnyHoo

Well ain’t this a bag of tricks

Honey do these pants make my ass look big?

Any given moment a bad guy is good to have

When your good, ya look bad and Vicey Versey.

Ain’t no way of knowin whats to know

Ain’t no way, why’d ya care

Cole Porter probably said it best

“Anything goes”

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A memory of sorts

I used to be into proving myself, to myself

December 16 1983 I wrapped my Quallofill bag, my dome tent, all things backpack camping.

Strapped them to the sissy bar of my bike, and headed out.

Rode up to Mt lassen.

Stopped in a bar {the only bar} in a little place name Mineral.

Put down a couple.

Rode another 20-25 miles, pulled off at a wide spot.

Taped a note to the tank saying, “if this bike is still here Dec 22, I’m in trouble”

Put my backpack together, strapped on my homemade snowshoes and traipsed north

Gorgeous snow, more gorgeous silence, even more sparkle.

Day three I came back to my camp and found the tub of my tent full of water.

The sun had come out full, the tent was closed and became a solar collector.

Melted the snow beneath, filled the tub.

Thought it out.

I could abandon my trip…or… I could find out whether Quallofill really works when wet.

Went with the latter.

Emptied the tent,

luckily I’d hung a mesh bag from the ridge pole with my socks and undies

wrung out the bag on a sapling

Made dinner.

Stripped naked, had a couple of gulps of single malt

Climbed in the bag, it warmed

I slept the night in relative comfort.

Quallofill worked

Hung the bag the next day, dried nice in the sun

Does anyone here question my sanity?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The humbling Ruby hummeing bird

Hummingbird Fly-over

What’s there to say?

Pour a glass of wine or beer and go sit in the yard


Watch a ruby throated humming bird.

One of the most amazing animals on earth…

So there…

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pearsons small engine treats people right

Power was out

Went to start the generator

All the gas was gone

The fuel line bung was rotted away

Went to three different saw shops in town, NYET

Went to Pearson's

Kid at the counter said “We can get one up here by Wednesday”

I almost made it to the door and the owner came running up behind me

He said

Go down the street to Riebe’s auto parts

Ask for a smog valve grommet for a small block Chevy

It’ll fit, it’s made of neoprene, last ten years

He coulda just left me waddle of to wait till hump-day


Thought of the person before business

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

College – the next life

1988 I went in for a little corrective surgery

Went BAD

Took 5 years to overcome.

Those 5, I spent at Sierra college in Computer science(quite by accident)

All my life I’d considered myself quite a dullard.

The first year at school I didn’t raise my hand or do anything which would bring me attention.

I was an old dumb guy, amongst young vital people and proffesional people upgrading.

Bought a home computer and over the next 4 years beat it within an inch of it’s life.

First year Cs, Ds, D-

Final year As, 4s

When I took my first hire and pay check

I was 53

I went back to the college and thanked each and every





college educators don’t necessarily like the “professor” handle

I was now a well educate dullard.

Cha Chinnng

Monday, December 7, 2009

We all have to say goodbye to Summer

Except you beneath the Southern Cross

While I have no wish for it to be any time other than now

I have an undying distaste for winter

All the profanity I can muster won’t cover it

It’s 21 degrees

It snowed 18” overnight

The thermocouple on the furnace went out

I’ll have to shovel 254 feet out to the road so I can go get another

Winter and I are a coupling that even Gloria Alread can’t dissolve

I need a hot steamy affair with Sister summer

And yet here I am in bed with old man WINTER

Sunday, December 6, 2009

In my version, Snow White ain't so snow white

The Gang

Dresses in 1500 dollar suits, but is still low life


Mostly maintains a large stable of bongs

Mr suave

Even the women that love a bad boy, love this guy

The Nerd

Knows everything, got glasses held together with tape

Absolutely irreplaceable

Banana Hammock

Got speedos, thinks he’s waking Snow White’s inner hooker

Diamond Jim

Cash flow baby, cash flow


A Don Knotts sort of character, ready to duck or split in a moment

Saturday, December 5, 2009

PreNatal went out of style too soon

Creepy rubber baby with artificial birthing pelvis, Hackney, London, UK 2.JPG

The Prenatal

Hopefully persons acquiring this style will regress intellectually and emotionally to a time before all learning

A time before the lies {first or second Hand*} and hang-ups supplied by












Oh yeah “Madison Avenue

*Lies passed by people mistakenly thinking they are the truth

Friday, December 4, 2009

Scottsdale Az to Sacramento CA required a lot of drink tickets

Via Southwest Airlines

Moved to Scottsdale in 1993

Interviewed around the Phoenix area for a year

My appearance and demeanor was a bit to ragged for the Arizotans*

Some one in Sac heard of me from someone who had never met me.


The project was a one year project

It was November 10, they were in trouble

Got the job

Hate flying

Loved the paycheck

I’m such a phuquin hippo-crit

But hey, like the lady and the snake, ya knew about me when ya took me in.

*at least half of the people in Arizona are from Minnesota

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Becoming me changed my life

Happiness is an elusive and universally misunderstood concept

I’ve known







First marriage

First child

First job

First win racing

First joint

First car

First cigarette

First piece of ass

First beer

First $10,000 pay check


Between the ending of my third marriage and meeting my current wife

I quite by accident took time out to

shed my parents,

shed my upbringing,

shed all worthless knowledge,

shed the “have to” concept,

shed preconceived notions of life.

I shed a lot!

For better or worse I became me

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here's a joke

American Politicians

I just can't remember jokes

When I do

I can't deliver them

People don't laugh

And yet

I find most everything humorous in it's own way

I can make myself laugh

but why is this funny?

Like the graffiti over a urinal in Reno

"Why are you looking up here the jokes in your hand"

Jokes are #45 on my list of short comings

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Calling Rob Bonner, Oh Mr. Bonner

Rob Bonner
My music teacher

If it were a music question

If the question concerned

An educated yet slanted paradigm


individually relentless pursuits

Seems to have a more positive outlook than I

When tracking down a a million confidence can't hurt


We might be blood cousins

Oh yeh, my wife
Never never never never never never exclude you wife

A happy wife is a happy life

The gang from Stratocastertalk forum
If it has to do with guitars, amps, pedals, pickups etc

collectively Those gents seem to know it all

Monday, November 30, 2009

Best I can come up with

newborn fawn just 2 minutes after birth

Well we know I've a bit of the geezer memory thing going, so here my beauty

Our house sits on 6 acres at 3000 feet in the sierra Foothills.

There are 5 game trails crisscrossing it.

One morning in June I was daydreaming out the kitchen window and noticed movement.

Just a twitch of leaves in the brush.

I grabbed a pair of field glasses and focused in on it.

There was a still glossy fawn trying to stand.

Next to him/her was the doe laying down working at getting the next one out.

The task took maybe 5 more minutes.

He/she, the next fawn stood;

Mom groomed both for 6-7 minutes and they wobbled/boinged off.

New fawns have no control over their movement, so instead of walking or running they boing about aimlessly.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Knot really

With the exception of musical stuff 99% of my discretionary


non discretionary resource has gone into our little 6 acres.

10 years and counting

Home is all there is any longer

Oh Boohoo is me

Garcon wine over here please

Next question...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Man full of himself acting badly

Rather than awkward, it proved what an absolute shit I could be.

May something 1972

My little brother the true NERD was getting married in a genuine catholic church wedding

With the reception in the basement

With every age relative.

The evening rolled on.

For some reason the brides’ little(12 year old) brother started feeding me shots.

I certainly didn’t protest

At some point myself and another brother in law came upon one another in the stairwell.

I was still in my infancy*, which would explain why I always took a squirt gun to weddings.

Squirted my brother in law

He took umbrage

Said “Gonna kick your ass”

I replied “If ya live a hundred years you still won’t be man enough”

His face turned gray and he walked away.

Twenty years after that incident, even though he and my sister had divorced

         She told me she’d never forgive

Man full of himself acting badly

* I was 31

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Such foods will there be on my Thanksgiving plate

All the root vegtables
It's a harvest celebration.

Our root cellar was full.

As a kid I liked to go into the root cellar and just sit.

The smells of harvest past

It was always the same temp

We stored the butter churn in there, ya can smell the buttermilk coming out of the wood.

Corn relish
September every year, when not homeless or drunk, I can 24 pint jars of corn relish

Ya gotta ask?

Squash pie
So rich, so creamy, so down home

Eagle brand milk is the secret ingredient

10 times the flavor of pumpkin pie, especially if you bake and render the squash the same day.

Topped with home churned french vanilla ice cream.

Oh crap, it's 9:44 and dinner isn't till 6:00

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This year I am, Oh yes I really am

This is going to be difficult.

It's an old witticism

   "Today started out wonderfully, but hide and watch, someone will screw it up"

My wife isn't a happy "wake up and skip off to work" person

06:46 Grrrrrrr....

So what?...

Let's see...

The gout in my right knee is easing up

Thas good

I got the garbage and recycling down to the road before the truck arrived...

Thas good

A friend pointed me to two soulful songs I've never heard

Thas great

All of the credit card companies informed me they were raising my rates substantially and if I don't like it "suck on it"

Thas not good

Despite my air-head carelessness, I have ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, two lips, a heart, a tongue, arms, legs, a butt, a weenie and a colon and they all work

Thas good

I've a 45 year old son{my baby boy} been calling me and screwing with my sense of serenity...

Thas good

My pot ran out

Thas not good

I'm down to one pack of Luckies a year

Thas good

Being thankful implies there is someone other than I responsible for my good or bad fortunes.

That would be the tens of thousands of millions of people which came before me and set up all of the possible circumstances and such.

Oh and the earth, moon stars and space in between...

To the casual observer, one might think I''m on a grump


To quote "Monty Python's" Michael Palin as the were hauling him out to the death wagon...

I'm getting better, I can feel it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eldorado Casino Brunch Buffette

The dreamy part

Mounds of meat

Lots and lots of melted cheese

Pasta with varying goop

Chicken in some sort of dark red-brown sauce with fat floating

Fresh bakery delights with all the butter in Reno

The sane Part

Soup line

Large well stocked salad bar

Prepared fruit gondola


Down to the 94% return casino floor for my wife

For me...

Across the street to the ubiquitous pawn shops.

The residue of peoples lives in their never ending pursuit of "El Dorado" and or the pot of GOLD.

Window shopping for musical instruments, amplifiers and power tools.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My pig's on the money

Yesterday a.m. a very small flock(6) wild turkeys wandered in front of our breakfast table window.

No shit 6 wild turkeys.

I've no idea what this has to do with a face off.

I'm sure the French, Greek or Chinese have some sage utterance concerning face-offs.

Pigs are pigs no matter whether, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Nascar, Indy-Racing, Football fan, Baseball fan, Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, Straight, Gay, Caucasian, African, Oriental or just plain Swine(

You might say to yourself "Where's this old jerk-off going with this ramble."

Ben Franklin thought and said that Turkeys were more intelligent and courageous than the Bald eagle, and thus should be the national bird.

Anyone here ever seen a wild bore?

Nasty messy viscous, tasty animal.

Perfect scenario

Sneak upon the pig turkey confrontation, if this turkey is too stupid to take off, he/she is probably dead and feathers already removed by the fray.

Shoot the pig and put him/her in a pit and roast for 3 days. meanwhile stuff the turkey with a duck stuffed with a chicken.

Pit roasted swine and Turducken.

Happy Thanksgiving