Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This year I am, Oh yes I really am

This is going to be difficult.

It's an old witticism

   "Today started out wonderfully, but hide and watch, someone will screw it up"

My wife isn't a happy "wake up and skip off to work" person

06:46 Grrrrrrr....

So what?...

Let's see...

The gout in my right knee is easing up

Thas good

I got the garbage and recycling down to the road before the truck arrived...

Thas good

A friend pointed me to two soulful songs I've never heard

Thas great

All of the credit card companies informed me they were raising my rates substantially and if I don't like it "suck on it"

Thas not good

Despite my air-head carelessness, I have ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, two lips, a heart, a tongue, arms, legs, a butt, a weenie and a colon and they all work

Thas good

I've a 45 year old son{my baby boy} been calling me and screwing with my sense of serenity...

Thas good

My pot ran out

Thas not good

I'm down to one pack of Luckies a year

Thas good

Being thankful implies there is someone other than I responsible for my good or bad fortunes.

That would be the tens of thousands of millions of people which came before me and set up all of the possible circumstances and such.

Oh and the earth, moon stars and space in between...

To the casual observer, one might think I''m on a grump


To quote "Monty Python's" Michael Palin as the were hauling him out to the death wagon...

I'm getting better, I can feel it.

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