Monday, August 3, 2009

He was no good to the core

He was no good to the core
He thought people should treat each other humanely no matter the personal cost..

Taking care of the other mans' health isn't socialism nor communistic, it's humanity at its' best.

C'mon Americans speak up for goodness.


at least order another round.

Lets start arresting sober drivers
If you check the statistics more vehicular death and maiming happens at the wheel of sober drivers.

He hated the homeless
And elderly.

If we are unwilling to care for and insure that the less fortunate and less competent enjoy the same quality of life that we do.

Let's classify them as third world persons and then we do to them as we will.

Bomb them, sell them bad food, sell them really bad pesticides.

Sell em the high nicotine ciggs we can't peddle here

It's a whole new market.

What did I hear someone murmuring, "hey we found another pinko hiding amongst us", call Joe McCarthy's ghost, quick, no wait make that Chaney, he just got a new battery.

Gotta call a cabinet maker my soap box just broke

Picture of her working on it at 11:00p.m.

He thought churches should be taxed
Because, just because it never hurts to speak poorly of the dead!

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