Monday, November 30, 2009

Best I can come up with

newborn fawn just 2 minutes after birth

Well we know I've a bit of the geezer memory thing going, so here my beauty

Our house sits on 6 acres at 3000 feet in the sierra Foothills.

There are 5 game trails crisscrossing it.

One morning in June I was daydreaming out the kitchen window and noticed movement.

Just a twitch of leaves in the brush.

I grabbed a pair of field glasses and focused in on it.

There was a still glossy fawn trying to stand.

Next to him/her was the doe laying down working at getting the next one out.

The task took maybe 5 more minutes.

He/she, the next fawn stood;

Mom groomed both for 6-7 minutes and they wobbled/boinged off.

New fawns have no control over their movement, so instead of walking or running they boing about aimlessly.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Knot really

With the exception of musical stuff 99% of my discretionary


non discretionary resource has gone into our little 6 acres.

10 years and counting

Home is all there is any longer

Oh Boohoo is me

Garcon wine over here please

Next question...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Man full of himself acting badly

Rather than awkward, it proved what an absolute shit I could be.

May something 1972

My little brother the true NERD was getting married in a genuine catholic church wedding

With the reception in the basement

With every age relative.

The evening rolled on.

For some reason the brides’ little(12 year old) brother started feeding me shots.

I certainly didn’t protest

At some point myself and another brother in law came upon one another in the stairwell.

I was still in my infancy*, which would explain why I always took a squirt gun to weddings.

Squirted my brother in law

He took umbrage

Said “Gonna kick your ass”

I replied “If ya live a hundred years you still won’t be man enough”

His face turned gray and he walked away.

Twenty years after that incident, even though he and my sister had divorced

         She told me she’d never forgive

Man full of himself acting badly

* I was 31

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Such foods will there be on my Thanksgiving plate

All the root vegtables
It's a harvest celebration.

Our root cellar was full.

As a kid I liked to go into the root cellar and just sit.

The smells of harvest past

It was always the same temp

We stored the butter churn in there, ya can smell the buttermilk coming out of the wood.

Corn relish
September every year, when not homeless or drunk, I can 24 pint jars of corn relish

Ya gotta ask?

Squash pie
So rich, so creamy, so down home

Eagle brand milk is the secret ingredient

10 times the flavor of pumpkin pie, especially if you bake and render the squash the same day.

Topped with home churned french vanilla ice cream.

Oh crap, it's 9:44 and dinner isn't till 6:00

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This year I am, Oh yes I really am

This is going to be difficult.

It's an old witticism

   "Today started out wonderfully, but hide and watch, someone will screw it up"

My wife isn't a happy "wake up and skip off to work" person

06:46 Grrrrrrr....

So what?...

Let's see...

The gout in my right knee is easing up

Thas good

I got the garbage and recycling down to the road before the truck arrived...

Thas good

A friend pointed me to two soulful songs I've never heard

Thas great

All of the credit card companies informed me they were raising my rates substantially and if I don't like it "suck on it"

Thas not good

Despite my air-head carelessness, I have ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, two lips, a heart, a tongue, arms, legs, a butt, a weenie and a colon and they all work

Thas good

I've a 45 year old son{my baby boy} been calling me and screwing with my sense of serenity...

Thas good

My pot ran out

Thas not good

I'm down to one pack of Luckies a year

Thas good

Being thankful implies there is someone other than I responsible for my good or bad fortunes.

That would be the tens of thousands of millions of people which came before me and set up all of the possible circumstances and such.

Oh and the earth, moon stars and space in between...

To the casual observer, one might think I''m on a grump


To quote "Monty Python's" Michael Palin as the were hauling him out to the death wagon...

I'm getting better, I can feel it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eldorado Casino Brunch Buffette

The dreamy part

Mounds of meat

Lots and lots of melted cheese

Pasta with varying goop

Chicken in some sort of dark red-brown sauce with fat floating

Fresh bakery delights with all the butter in Reno

The sane Part

Soup line

Large well stocked salad bar

Prepared fruit gondola


Down to the 94% return casino floor for my wife

For me...

Across the street to the ubiquitous pawn shops.

The residue of peoples lives in their never ending pursuit of "El Dorado" and or the pot of GOLD.

Window shopping for musical instruments, amplifiers and power tools.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My pig's on the money

Yesterday a.m. a very small flock(6) wild turkeys wandered in front of our breakfast table window.

No shit 6 wild turkeys.

I've no idea what this has to do with a face off.

I'm sure the French, Greek or Chinese have some sage utterance concerning face-offs.

Pigs are pigs no matter whether, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Nascar, Indy-Racing, Football fan, Baseball fan, Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, Straight, Gay, Caucasian, African, Oriental or just plain Swine(

You might say to yourself "Where's this old jerk-off going with this ramble."

Ben Franklin thought and said that Turkeys were more intelligent and courageous than the Bald eagle, and thus should be the national bird.

Anyone here ever seen a wild bore?

Nasty messy viscous, tasty animal.

Perfect scenario

Sneak upon the pig turkey confrontation, if this turkey is too stupid to take off, he/she is probably dead and feathers already removed by the fray.

Shoot the pig and put him/her in a pit and roast for 3 days. meanwhile stuff the turkey with a duck stuffed with a chicken.

Pit roasted swine and Turducken.

Happy Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Motocross should be added to the Olympics

Easily if not more grueling than marathon or European football(soccer).

I think the world is ready for it.

I.O.C. would have to choose brand and size.

One brand one size to level the playing field.

Oh and make it old style(40 minutes + 2 laps)X2

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Guitar Center

I'm so shallow...

When I'm not maintaining the albatross...

I'm thinking music...

I'm counting 1& 2& 3& 4&


1e&a 2e&a 3e&a 4e&a...

I'm doing finger exercises...

I'm listening...

Lot of I'ms in there huh?

Monday, November 16, 2009

I can live without my Hand forged Japanese knives but don't want to

Hand forged Japanese knives
Precise cutting is the difference between a meal and glop

Other stuff too numerous to list Plinky style

Pressure cooker

Cast iron pots and skillets

Citrus juicers

Box grater

2 Woks

Garlic press



Mortar and pestal

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The road from Good intentions to Hell or Petaluma

This is a funny danged map

I put in

Good intentions


Hell or Petaluma


Look what I got

Pure subliminal

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I recommend getting an account manager for a pet

I was thinking of getting an accounts manager from my credit card company

Feed him or her what ever they eat

Roll em over and scratch their tummy

Rub their nose in it when they act bad

Most importantly have em declawed

Oh yeah Spay and or neutered

Friday, November 13, 2009

George Martin


100,000,000 or so people like me that made it possible for them to pursue their relentless musical quest.

Each of them were and are good in his own right.

Musicians that insist in being musicians will continue to delight our innards.


Lets see, there must be some additional quasi intellectual humdrum crap I can come up with on the spur of the moment.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Falling in Love is the best season

Summer is not really better, just more comfortable...

My best friend explained it to me some years back...

"Finding tomarrow or yesterday

to be more than today

is just wishing

your life away

The time you spend

Falling in Love

Is the best season

Friday, November 6, 2009

You'll probably see me in my Liberty brand bib overalls

Liberty brand bib overalls
Overalls are like a house dress for men

Easy on, easy off

Comfort and will take every task I have to do at the place

Really good walking shoes

T shirts
30 + years back Ted Nugent sang a line

I don't need the fancy parts, just needs the ones thats clean.

Tommy Bahama silk shirts
I used to have money

Spent it as easy as I made it.

Addressed all of my feminine tendencies

Silk just feels nice

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Plumbers will never outwear their welcome

the pyschedelic plumber actionshot

Remember this, what we call celebrities today are people whom 150 years ago were considered clowns, jesters, buffoons and miscreants.

Not better

Not more important

But people nonetheless.

How awfully our perception has been skewed.

Those that are important are the people that make our life styles and comforts possible.

Trash haulers




Construction people

Assembly line people

Etc, etc, etc

Roger Waters wrote it

We are amusing ourselves to death

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Gossip, Plinky, Pangea... Banzai....

Udderly beeeeezarre

I put in Pangea and get Cotati California

I’m livin out my life in Hermitage of sorts.

I haven’t heard it all.

I’ve come close to enough.

People, people get a new battery!

We collectively are down to 7.23645 volts on a 11.999 volt system.

Is there anyone reading this whom is past 45 years of age…

That would like to be younger?

Local gossip, what the hell…

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Yankee Filly?



Whater we talkin?

Yankee ingenuity

Yankee drill

Yankee clipper

Philly Cheese Steak

Philly Cream Cheese

Young Filly

If we’re talkin world series

I called my brother Sky Eyes n told him put 100 on it going 7

Sunday, November 1, 2009

68 could be the best yet

I made it!

Kinda like waking up in the morning

Ittsa good thing.