Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm jello

Well I had three previous wives

Well they dint get the premise

Well when the time came they got the thigh itch

Well they just put the vows on hold

Well as you can guess that part of my psyche is preloaded


Well when the notion pops up

Well I just figure, I’ve had a good life

Well if that’s how it goes

Well if that’s how it’s gonna be

Hoka Hey

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Try 'The Politician' for yogic satisfaction

The Politician
Otherwise known as the

head-up-ass pose


Mugg-up-wump pose

It won't do anything for you, but neither will a politician

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'd like to spend my next long weekend Alive

Alive, is a good place to start

Say, whuts goin on?

Google keeps putting me in downtown SF

What the hell?

Is there a message in it?

Am I supposed to run for Mayor?

Do I need a cosmopolitan change of scenery?

Do I long for the Doggy Diner?

The pointer is only blocks from Tommy's Joint.

SF is a good place to be at 3:05 a.m. after missing your Greyhound.

Liquor store on every, every corner

Although I'd have to learn Arabic or Farsi

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


If you don't mess with me, I'm incredibly easy to please.

Pretend that you know the rudiments of driving on the public roadway.

Don't steal the milk from my porch in the morning

Don't come to my house with pamphlets pretending you know the Great spirit

If I get drunk, make sure I don't fall asleep on my back

Stay off my property, except to use it for a short cut.

Don't call me in the evening when Jeopardy is on

Obey all these simple wishes


My criteria for my location on the earth

Wherever my wife lives...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh, but, I don't

Being a breed and all...

I made it one of my life’s tasks to not own

I failed that task

To say the least we live in the sticks, bushes, woods, outta town.

During the first month we met nearest neighbor {250-300 yards away}

He reported in a grumpy voice [I had a verbal agreement to buy this property]

Well Boo Fnnn Hooo.

A year later I found him on the property cutting brush.

Went to the house got my recurve 50# bow, went back and informed him he was trespassing, and he had 30 seconds to live.

Other neighbor lives bout half mile off

His driveway is my easement

Thinks it’s OK to store his 40’ RV on “his” driveway

Also thinks it’s OK to start that ass-hole thing at 3 a.m. {“gotta take it in to the shop”}

Well Boo Fnnn Hooo

For 4 years he’s been cleaning his leaves and debris and dumping it on my place

My wife councils me to pick my fights carefully

So I did

As I have a wont to do, I allowed my alligator mouth to overload my hummingbird ass

And replied

That all makes perfect sense to a halfwit low-life cunt, but not to me

Get that crap back in your truck and high-tail it offa here

Ah the model of the neighbor ya wished for

Ain’t I?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Music stuff

Not a possession...

#1 is Wife

Music stuff


Music stand


100+ music related DVDs

Music and song books



Gotta be able to play my music/instruction DVDs

Ya can't cook everything in a wok

But will certainly get by

Primarily for recording

Collaborative music



Plinky'd be nice

Wife's gonna hate smaller

Strange as it sounds, she fights depression and boredom cleaning house and weeding in the gardens.

Gotta outlive her because not being here{small house, big property} will kill her slowly

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Coopers Ale House


They have







   WooHoo Girls

Friday, January 22, 2010

Squirrels one and all

Assuming squirrels and peacocks are metaphors for the recent NBC late night television shenanigans.

The question is not who wins, but who loses.

IN the midst of a major {recession, depression. economic slow down}

In the midst of people world wide coughing up funds and aid for the poor beleaguered Haitians

In the midst of the expense of two incredibly poorly thought out "Wars"

In the midst of all the strife in most every African nation

In the midst of Us selling America to China in exchange for a few poorly made trinkets

We get to witness a gutless myopic halfwit television consortium being extorted by a couple of questionably funny guys

Whoda, whoda, whoda, whoda thunkit...

Yeah, yeah, yeahhhhhhhhh

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I miss Humanity

A true sense of community

A time when people cared about people

This brings up


When you care about people, you care about people



When you care about people, you care about people


When people care about people

They care about them long term

They cast off their own personal hang-ups


Deference to the needs* of the people they care about


All of us have needs





Clean air


Acceptance of death

Acceptance of life

Sex {Ya think?}

Drugs {Pot, Opium, Religion, Chocolate, Scotch, }

Rock n Roll {no question}

Food that makes ya endure the absence of any of the above

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The extreme far right and extreme far left have divided my country so completely that it doesn't seem to be my country any longer.

Both have waged an inexhaustible campaign of pseudo intellectualism, pseudo Christianity, division, derision, misinformation and purely {me first}unamericanism.

Nothing of note can be accomplished


Nothing of note has...

Lucky me, a large earthquake has struck a close neighboring country.

"Some" Caucasian people live there so it's a no brainer to help them

Kinda looks like we care

We the people
What We?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I don't get headaches.

Every headache In my life has been situational and has been the direct result of my actions or lack thereof.


If it feels like your head is in a vice

1. Take your head out of the vice and stand up.

Didn't work?

2. Find a dead black cat, wait till mid-night and go by the graveyard and toss it over the fence.

Didn't work?

3. Turn on the radio to Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh, a pain in the ass always trumps a head ache.

Didn't work?

4. George Smith's best

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monterey Bay Aquarium

A person can spend an entire day shuffling about staring at the wondrous critters.

Truly well done

Truly enchanting

Take your kids

Take you granny

Take a date, she'll think your "sensitive"

Take a lunch


Above all take your time

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I get around by gosh

By gosh

By golly

By gum

By sundown

By n By

By myself

By the way...

Please define around

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What bright idea?

This Plink_Bot has requested "us" to go to a corner of the universe I seldom haunt.

1. Lets round up and jail sober drivers.

    Truth be known more people are maimed and killed by sober drivers.

    Check out the annual stats, they'll bear it out.

    The police can't breathalize...

      a. stupidity

      b. sociopathic tendencies

      c. self centered belly button watching humans

      d. people too cheap to maintain their own vehicles

      e. people that think others should pay because "they are late"

      f. people that think the public roadway is their private playground

Oh excuse me, I thought you said blight ideas

Friday, January 15, 2010

Beaded moccasins are my favorite

1 pair of beaded moccasins
I made em

1 pair of Swiss made suede wing tips
Bought em drunk

Cost more than my most expensive guitar

Wife hates em

Bare feet
Easy to find

Never get a mismatched pair

mismatched pair
some times it's fun to put on a pair that are the same color but not mates.

Go down town

Down town such as it is

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sonoma Beach

It's an old Petaluma joke


As long as map-quest chose to display The Great Highway

As a youth it was a good place to do night drags

As a youth, some of my low-life friends would dump cars after yanking the motors

  mostly 409s and 427s

As a youth, there was a great place called PlayLand

As a youth, there was a place called WinterLand(great early rock shows)

    Most notably The Last Waltz

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is there really choice?

Oh, I thought the prompt was a discusion of



B. Blindness


I'm not much to look at and I'm never involved in anything of great interest


   Seen wouldn't be my bag


The world and everything beyond has so many trillions of things both material

dynamic, that seeing is the bees knees







Not to denigrate the blind amongst us, but they was robbed

I crashed real hard in 1962 and was blind for 15 or 16 days

Kinda took the wind outta my sails

Monday, January 11, 2010

Breakfast Ain't breakfast without Dark dark french roast coffee

Ya could have rolled oats with cinnamon, raisins, butter and brown sugar


Dark dark french roast coffee
With one teaspoon of heavey cream

Never have stopped to think of why I like it

It's kind of like having your best friend slappin ya in the face and yellin

"Rise and shine jerk off"

Trout in butter with Mandarin orange segments
Let's uh see...




Oh yeh it tastes really good

Yet light tasting early day protein

Over easy with McIlhenny Tabasco

Early food should be exhilarating

Torch them cobwebs

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Da blues

Da blues is so good

On Austin City Limits

Da blues is so right

Saturday, January 9, 2010


The other sex act

Honda CB 750 - Detail

Three or four day motorcycle camping trip.





She's never done it.


Mama Cass sang

If you love her you must send her somewhere she's never been before.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mane event

Jeeez don't go there on my say so

Just a good memory

Pure Geezer Lech goin here

Three years ago I had a big surgery, which didn’t allow showers for 6 weeks

A friend was over playing and said “Thom your head stinks”

He called his wife’s salon and drove me over.

I’m still high on pain pills

Gorgeous woman named Cindy with low cut top

Shampooed me

Never had a shampoo(out) in my life

Her hanging over me with her chesticles out is burnt into my main memory

Pure Geezer Lech goin here

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Puberty, ah puberty, what's it good for?


At a time in my life when nothing but violence and robbery and mayhem were the only thing that made sense, I could go to Math class

Algebra 1 & 2

Plain and solid geometry



Statistical analysis


even the dick teaching them

made sense

The outcome was always as predictable as the 4-5 shift in a six speed transmission.

No lies

No head trips

A kid that fealt stupid, fat, ugly and worthless could find a welcome rest

Something in the universe was OK

Puberty, ah puberty, what's it good for?

I guess in retrospect, it's there to make the rest of life seem like a walk in the park

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Absolutely nothin

Say it again, say it again

Can I get a witness?

However I do have advanced knowledge concerning

Drug/Alcoholic partnerships, wives, friends*


Software, data access development

Going fast on motorcycles

Wilderness survival



Selecting single malt highland and Islay scotch

I'm an abject failure as a





Remember in the new year

Garfield says:

Use your friends wisely

*I've used a lot(drugs and hooch), but am way too up-tight to let it controll my life

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Grease Monkey BS

1. Mechanics Tools
I'm neither an auto nor light aircraft mechanic any longer

2. Homeowner tools
The statement:

"you don't own a house or property, it, they own you"

couldn't be more true.

After 12+ years here I seldom venture out of the house if I'm not getting in the truck to be whisked away to a location where I can't see the place. There is always something to be done.






Shoveling snow

Carpentry type repairs

Oh woe is me, oh dear, oh my

But ain't He just the Fnn... whiner

3. Get rid of Me
Used to go camping 20+ times a year

4. Knowlege of things that do exist any longer
or matter

Monday, January 4, 2010


I am so easy

1. Vanilla Ice cream

2. French apple pie with vanilla ice cream

3. Bobby Lee Biram's BBQ ribs

4. George Smith's single malt scotch

5. The "honey doo list"(excellent training)

6. DVDs by David Gilmour

    Roger Waters

    Mark Knopfler

    Led Zeplin

    Clarence Gatemouth Brown

    Rory Galagher

7. Procrastination

8. Dark moody music

9. PowWow singing by the Baker boys

10. The aroma of Columbian Pot







The voice of a Woman speaking French

I am so easy

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wood shed




Not so much a place as it is an activity.

In musicians jargon or vernacular

It's practice, practice, play practice, practice, read






Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'll stick to this resolve

Not to pick Jan 1 to resolve anything

Too hung over

Too broke

Sometimes I don't know where I am...

Completely amongst strangers

Having trouble finding my truck

My clothes are on backwards or not mine at all

What was the question again?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Not likely It'll be different this year

Could be, but, hmmmm....

Ask me Dec 31 2010 at about 23:00

We'll all know by then